Saturday 13 June 2009


After our Saturday morning tradition of Josh's blueberry muffins for breakfast, we decided to go to Pace Park today on Salado Creek. So the kids watched Cars while Josh mowed the lawn and I packed the bags. My favorite houseplant suffered an early demise while we were packing up. The boys used the leaves as swords. HOW do little boys know how to turn anything into weapons??

We love Salado! Marla, Nate and the boys met us there and we had fun with water guns and the boogie board. Nate and Josh are the best dads ever for such a fun family day--Marla and I just lounged chatting in the shade.

Audrey with her four brothers again.

Here's Audrey working on her obliques--never waste a moment!

Nate was a huge hit--he took huge 18 inch rocks and threw them in the creek so it would make a huge splash. Clark rewarded him with the loudest, fakest laughing I have ever heard and then pointed and said, "He's funny!"

We got a couple of delicious homemade pizzas from RoyT.'s for a Pace Park Picnic and headed home for naps. Unfortunately it looks our A/C is out again (third time in 2 wks!) so if you need us we'll be upstairs!


Sara Carolina said...

If I didn't know any better, I'd think that Josh had lil A on a leash and what is Clark doing sporting pink crocs?

Shannon Morrison said...

hilarious! the boogie board totally looks like a leash. and you caught us on the pink crocs.

we found one mate of three different pairs of Clark's shoes so pink crocs it was. oh the indignities of being a little brother.