Friday, 10 February 2017


Sorry, guys. I believe I have taken after my mother with the inconsistency.😢


Update number one:


Audrey's Christmas Haul 2016 🎅🎄

-The complete Chronicles of Narnia set 😆
-36 count of Prismacolors 😆
-The best sweater EVER 😆
-Awesome new Nike's 😆
-Kindle Fire (I lost my first one)😆
-These super legit awesome Gap rose gold trainers😝😝
- Vera Bradley duffel bag 😆

More updates to follow.

Monday, 14 November 2016

Sorry & the Margot story of the week

Hello! Sorry I haven't posted in such a long time 😕. I have a LOT to tell.
Margot story:
Margot tells me this (😡😡😡😡) is her favorite emoji because it's the same face she makes when we all laugh at her.

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Labor Day

This Labor Day, my mom's family came over. It was my family, Brigid, Molly, Charlie, James, Josephine, my grandparents, Sarah, Emil (Sarah's husband), their daughter Nina, two 14 year old twin boys, named LaDarius and KaDarius, that are Sarah and Emil's neighbors, Patrick, Patrick's girlfriend Emma, Kelly, and David all were together this Labor Day. On Friday we went to the first Baylor game of the season (Yes, we're still die-hard Baylor fans), on Saturday we took everybody I just listed plus some of our friends to the house we're going to buy and played in the backyard and we also started our family fantasy football league. The rest of the weekend we just hung out. So, overall, it was lots of fun. Sorry I don't have any pictures to show you. 

Thursday, 18 August 2016

Lotsa News

Okay, guys, I'm sorry I haven't been posting lately. I know you love me and miss me. So, I'm just going to combine several posts into one.
  1. Moving!!!!!!! We're only moving sixty seconds away, so don't freak out. 
  2. Providence Preparatory school! Providence is a Christian school with a classical approach to learning and is pretty great. And, no, my mom (the founder) did not tell me to say that. Check it 
  3. Fer-Fer is married!!!!! And also the new art teacher at Providence. Here are some pics from the wedding: (By the way, her husband's name is Jake. He works for one of the worship teams at Austin Stone. See more of them at  My mom is the maid of honor and I'm standing right next to her.

Friday, 29 July 2016

Colorado trip 2016

James', Charlie's, Elle's, and Margot's signature poses by a double rainbow.
About every other year, my family goes to Estes Park, CO with my maternal family. I had about eighteen other people stay with me  but it actually was a great trip. We stayed at the YMCA there and all my siblings, cousins (the ones three and up), and I went to the day camp there. Here are some pics from the trip.
 From left to right: James, Alex, Charlie, Elle, Margot (with the mean face, as always.), Clark, me, Molly
David, Kelly's son, and Josephine, Brigid and Joey's daughter are SOOOOOO CUTE!

Words to live by, with Margot Morrison

  1. When you're angry make a "sh"-ing sound with your teeth clenched and scream,"How rude of you!"(That's the updated version; she used to say "You... Baby butt!"like it was the worst thing she could think of.)
  2. Make a rude face every time someone tries to take a picture of you. (See below)
  3. Insist on being the "mom" when the younger three play "House" and boss everyone around.
  4. When you don't get your way, cross your arms and walk around  pouting.

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Clark and Audrey

I forgot that you guys might not know what Clark and I look like.
Clark is still obsessed with sports. He's a pretty good pitcher, though. But he calls himself "a disgrace to the family" because he played for the Yankees. He's going into 4th grade.
Me, well, I'm a busy bee. I sing, act, dance, play basketball and soccer, remain a Baylor fan, and, on top of it all, babysit. I'm going into 6th grade.

Wednesday, 27 July 2016


Alex is a sports lover and reader. The kid hits at least one home run each game in T-ball.


Elle is quite the gymnast. She's SOOOOO good on bars. She's also a soccer BEAST.
Sorry I don't have any more pictures. My mom has some pretty good pictures on Facebook of her. 

Can you see her freakish muscles flexing?

Monday, 11 July 2016


                                     This is the cute, adorable side of Margot.
                       Now, I a will show you a mild psycho picture of her.
   Remember, that was mild. If I showed more of those, Margot would go all psycho on me.     


Hi! I'm Audrey, the girl that's in all those  pictures from back in 2005-2011. Yeah. Her. So, anyway, I'm taking over the blog that my parents deserted and informing you about my life. You also might want to know that we have three other kids, Alexander Emmanuel Morrison, born on July 19th, 2009, loves sports and technically is a mini-version of Clark. He's about to turn seven. Elle Munezero Morrison, born on June 14th, 2010, she is a gymnast and is a wonderful big sister to Margot. She's six. (Alex and Elle didn't become our family officially till we adopted them somewhere in March 2011.) Margot Julianne Morrison, born on October 4th, 2012. She is three now and adorable and psycho at the same time. We also have a new dog and lots of new cousins.
So, I will do my best to inform you of it all the next few posts will be so you can catch up with us. Thank you! 

Friday, 24 April 2015

Beaumont Boy Chili

lbs. course ground beef
2 lbs chuck roast (cubed)
TBS Cooking Oil
1 chopped onion
1 chopped green bell pepper
Add ingredients together, Brown meat and drain fat

1 can Tomato Sauce8 oz.
1 can petite diced tomatoes 14.5 oz
2 can Beef Broth12 oz.

Cook on low-medium for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally

TBS Light Chili Powder;
TBS Dark Chili Powder
2 tsp Garlic Powder
2 tsp Salt;
1 TBS Ground Cumin
1 tsp Cayenne Pepper;
1 tsp Black Pepper
2 tsp Chicken Granules (or 1 cube);
Cook on low-medium heat for 1 hour, stirring occasionally

TBS Light Chili Powder
TBS Dark Chili Powder
2 tsp Paprika
1 TBS Ground Cumin
Cook on low-medium heat for 1 hour COVERED

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Random Pics

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Been awhile since we updated.  As always we’ve been staying busy.  Clark has really gotten into superheroes lately.  Audrey is constantly reading and learning. 

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Monday, 11 October 2010

Sunday, 3 October 2010


Just some pics I couldn’t help but take when I saw how cute they were being.  

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Big kids

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Sunday, 5 September 2010

Galveston Trip

Like we did last summer, we made a trip to Galveston right before school started.  We took Molly again and the cousins had a great time together.  Even though Molly couldn’t see out of one of her eyes with her goggles on she still managed to get a lot of mud on me.


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Saturday, 14 August 2010

The Rascal

This kid is crazy and I am in love with him. IMG_0683 IMG_0681

Shannon’s 30th Birthday

I can’t tell you how grateful I am to everyone who contributed to the book we made for Shannon’s birthday.  It was pretty overwhelming to read how many great things were written about my beautiful wife.  Here’s some pics of her opening and reading it.  DSC_1273 DSC_1271

Friday, 13 August 2010

Free Chick-fil-a Day

We made our 3rd annual trip to Chick-fil-a on Cow Appreciation Day.  I’m surprised more people don’t take advantage of this, but we had breakfast and lunch there.  It happened to be on Shannon’s birthday this year, so I took her out for three meals.  Here was Clark’s outfit.  He matched the fireman cow for their recent spicy chicken sandwich promotion.

