Monday 20 April 2009

Picking your battles

I have chosen not to fight the wardrobe battle obviously. I put Audrey down for nap in a perfectly respectable shirt and skirt and when she woke up she was wearing this.

I have to give her props for wrestling those tights on without assistance.

She got lots of looks at Sam's this afternoon and one sweet lady said, "Don't you wish you could hold up a sign that says 'She dresses herself'?"


Anonymous said...

well her cousin Maegan thinks this is an absolutely fabulous outfit. Ofcourse Maegan is 6. She wants to know when they can go shopping together and get 'cute outfits'. Guess she has a girls day next time she's in town.



Love it!!!

Shannon said...

LOVE her!!!! That outfit is awesome!

Anonymous said...

Glad I didn't have to go to Sam's with you. She's beautiful in anything but this is too way out for Granmother

Mrs. Burns said...

HAHA! Seth likes to wear this ratty, hand-me-down Spiderman costume for days on end.

Anonymous said...

SawAudry last night and am still laughing!! So cute!!

Tricia said...

Shannon--I LOVE your blog! You're fun to read and you've got some great material to work with. Your kids are just precious and obviously have a lot of personality. We were so happy to run into you in Waco and definitely want to meet up soon. THANK YOU a million times for saying hi and remembering our names! Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside : ) Shoot me an email if you will---my address is my first and last name at, all lowercase with no punctuation. Happy blogging!