Sunday 13 May 2007

Garage Sale

Pics from the garage sale last weekend. We had to take Audrey's shirt off because she got sidewalk chalk all over herself. The garage sale was somewhat successful, but it's a lot of work for $100.


Sara Carolina said...

it's not just the $100 - it's getting rid of all the stuff that is taking up space!!

Sarah Bales said...

I hope that you didn't sell my golf shoes...I need those.

The Vickerys said...

Hey guys! I just found your link on Jen's blog! Audrey is too cute, in some pics she is a Josh look alike and then in some pics she is Shannons! Crazy! The blog is great and congrats on the new addition- he is precious! Our 1st is supposed to arrive in 42 days- still not ready for all this growing up stuff! Hope everyone is good! Love- Jo Neel