Monday 28 December 2009

San Antonio Trip

I don't like sitting around the house for more than two consecutive days when I'm off work, so we took a quick trip down to San Antonio. It was one of those times where I was completely and perfectly happy. I have every reason in the world to have these moments every day with what the Lord has blessed me with. However for some reason, I very rarely get overwhelmed with joy. This was one of those times though. The kids were perfect all day. While Shannon was at the outlet mall, we went to Wonder World in San Marcos. The kids liked seeing the cave and feeding the deer. From there we took our last visit to Fiesta Texas for the year. They even had a sledding hill with snow (or Sonic type ice). Audrey is a getting big! She rode the Road Runner Express ride twice. Apparently Shannon screamed the whole time, while Audrey laughed. From there we went to our hotel on the Riverwalk. We walked around, went to the Alamo and saw all of the lights. We almost went to The Lion King as it was being performed right two blocks from our hotel, but didn't want to pay $125 a ticket. We then topped the night off with some Hagen-Daaz ice cream. It was some flavor Shannon found a couple years ago in Boston but has been unable to find since. Audrey summed up the whole day perfectly when she yelled at the top of her lungs on the Riverwalk, "I love my family."

1 comment:

Sarah Bales said...

One of the sweetest hugs ever.