Monday 4 August 2008

Weekend recap

Friday we said goodbye to Jennifer who had been living with us for the summer. Audrey was prepared to throw a big fit and really amp up the drama so I turned on The Parent Trap, and all she said was, "Um, okay, bye Fur-Fur," then back to zombie state.

Saturday we spent the day in Georgetown with my new little cousin Maggie Sloan Shannon. What a cutie! T. Sean and Kitty brought Maggie on her first Texas trip and lots of people came to Georgetown to welcome them. Josh and Uncle Pat took Audrey to the swimming hole and Clark watered Paw-Paw's front beds (naked).

Sunday we took naps after church and then headed out to Pace Park in Salado for some swimming. Clark promptly sat down in the water and proceeded to throw rocks for 90 minutes. Without stopping.
We didn't take a single picture all weekend. Boo! Here's a photo of Pace Park and the mermaid statue. Audrey said, "Hey! That mermaid needs a bra!"

1 comment:


Audrey seems like quite the observant one! She always keeps me laughing! Thanks for sharing all the cute stories! :)